
Brenda has written 16 books on a variety of topics. Her books deal with common problems—those kinds of problems you talk about with a friend over coffee. They also celebrate life’s joys, something else you want to share with a friend. Her books give people everywhere sources of wisdom to turn to in times of need as well as during times of joyfulness.

Her books include Why Do I Feel This Way?, What Will I Do with the Rest of My life?, Celebrations That Touch the Heart, and When Saints Sing the Blues.

More recent releases include The Friendship Factor: Why Women Need Other Women, Unwrapping Martha’s Joy: Creating a Mary Christmas in Your Heart and Home and Holiday Living: Using Year-Round Celebrations to Build Faith and Family. Excerpts of these books are available at New Hope Digital. Just go to the site and type Brenda Poinsett in “search” and you’ll be able to see what’s available.

Her books may be ordered on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Christianbook.com, LifeWaystores.com, WMUStore.com, bookstores and through this website.

Brenda is currently one of several Bible study writers for Missions Mosaic magazine. Often the studies she writes for Mosaic are about Bible characters such as Anna, Peter, and Paul. Brenda has also written about biblical characters in her books: She Walked with Jesus and Wonder Women of the Bible. Brenda feels we can learn much from Bible characters, people who with God’s help handled challenges similar to those we have.

She’s also a skilled question writer, drawing out readers like she would draw someone out who is sitting across the table from her. Her questions make you think, enable you to learn, and help you find life application. Check out her questions on Reaching Heaven: Discovering the Cornerstones of Jesus’ Prayer Life and an exercise on Jesus’ Inferred Prayers where they are downloadable for free.

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