An International Christmas


My little internationals.

I have an  international family, and we’re having  an international Christmas celebration. On Christmas Eve we’re having an African meal in honor of Ben’s son Christophe who was born in Chad. We’ll have a Japanese meal on Christmas Day (son Joel’s wife Eri is Japanese) and an “East Coast” breakfast on Monday morning. I know, I know, the East Coast is not a foreign country but it does reflect how widespread are family is! Jim, our oldest son, lives in the Philadelphia area where he pastors a church. Because he has to preach on Sunday morning, he won’t be getting here until late on Sunday evening. By featuring the “East Coast” on Monday morning, Jim can share his life and ministry with us before Joel’s family leaves midday for home in California. We may round out this celebration by singing Feliz Navidad just to add another international touch! Whether we do or not, the song is in my thoughts as I cook meals, do dishes, talk  with family members and watch grandchildren play!  Like the song says, I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas.

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